Brow styling can have a very positive effect on the expression of the eyes. But how does it still look natural or already painted on?
For my daughters it is completely unimaginable to put on make-up and not style their eyebrows at the same time.
»I find that brow styling can have a very positive effect on the expression of the eyes.«
But I've also seen the worst excesses when styling my brows: in the wrong place (usually much too high), too dark, too thick, wrong color, etc. As a rule, the overall picture then no longer looks like successful make-up but has something weird.
I prefer the gentle variant for emphasis. I take some color from the eyeliner with the brow brush – the Living Nature Storm suits me perfectly. Now I use the brush to draw the color into the brow in small strokes and fill in small gaps and imperfections. That looks very natural. It's easy to do by using a special eyebrow brush. The result is natural and doesn't get that bar structure. The color thickens naturally.
The younger ones are welcome to take it harder: just look in the mirror from a distance and see the big picture. Is it harmonious, will you? Or is the brow too emphasized? Does the color match the skin and hair color? Have fun practicing and trying out!
What are your experiences?
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