Basically important: The term natural cosmetics is not protected!
Everything that is somehow associated with green cosmetics, clean beauty, herbal cosmetics, vegan, "without mineral oil and without parabens" etc. is sold under this name.
If you want to be sure that you are buying natural cosmetics in the narrower sense, look out for the label “controlled natural cosmetics”. Because this designation is protected and subject to strict requirements. Five seals have been established in Germany and Europe.
A "certified natural cosmetics" seal is hard work and companies have to fully disclose their manufacturing process in order to really get the "natural cosmetics" label. This is also the reason for some companies to sell their products e.g. B. can only be advertised like this: “Without silicone, without parabens, without mineral oil, …. This is a relatively simple process, costs nothing and does not require further, much more stringent measures.
In order to receive one of the five seals, manufacturers must fulfill the following points:
- Vegetable raw materials come mainly from ecological cultivation. Synthetic dyes and fragrances, silicones, paraffins and other petroleum products, microplastics and raw materials from dead vertebrates (e.g. collagen and animal fats) are prohibited.
- The seal is only awarded if at least 60% (BDIH) or 75% (Natrue) of a manufacturer's product range meets these guidelines.
- Companies that commit to a seal are checked once a year by an independent testing institute. This checks the procurement and use of raw materials, compliance with the recipes, inventories, sales and purchase quantities, compliance with the correct labeling on the packaging, tracing in the supply chain, method of cleaning the production plant, further commitments by the company in related to the environment and sustainability and much more.
Are you wondering which seals there are in certified natural cosmetics? And what do these seals mean?

The Federal Association of German Industrial and Commercial Companies (BDIH) developed the seal of approval in 2001 with some pioneers of natural cosmetics. That was the first step in distinguishing natural cosmetics from classic cosmetics. The "cosmos natural cosmetics" that has been implied since 2017 goes one step further and explicitly shows the organic content of the product.

The NATRUE label was introduced in 2008 as a multi-level label - depending on the strictness of the organic raw materials in natural, near-natural and nature-identical ingredients.

In 2002, the French certification association differentiated between a standard for natural cosmetics and organic cosmetics. These standards are looser than those of the BDIH and Natrue. “Natural cosmetics” already includes a product that consists of at least 50 percent plant-based substances. 5% may be non-natural substances.
Here, all raw materials must come from the strictest of all agricultural labels - Demeter cultivation.
Lobby association and natural cosmetics certification for small and medium-sized companies
And then there are a variety of seals that are also placed on the packaging, such as fair trade, vegan, etc.
You should take a closer look at these terms
- A certified natural cosmetic can be vegan (completely without animal raw materials) and contain raw materials from fair trade projects; Conversely, vegan cosmetics or those with Fairtrade raw materials can contain parabens, silicones, etc., so they are not natural cosmetics.
- Products that have a stamp "dermatologically tested" have been checked for skin compatibility by a group of people - but say nothing about their ingredients or the type and origin of the raw materials.
- Again and again, people explicitly ask about "animal testing-free" cosmetics. According to a 2004 law, animal testing of the cosmetic end product and, since 2009, also of cosmetic ingredients is prohibited. Since 2013, products that contain raw materials that have been tested on animals may no longer be sold in Germany. A direct claim “without animal testing” is therefore no longer officially permitted.
How can you find the right natural cosmetics brand for you?
Determine what is most important to you! Is it enough for you if your product is "vegan" - then just look for the seal. But if it should also be certified natural cosmetics, then look for the labels described above. However, there is usually more behind a natural cosmetics brand than “just” herbal, biological active ingredients. As a rule, a lot of value is placed on ecological packaging, targeted material procurement, sustainable production facilities, short distances and overall sustainability that is as high as possible. Many plastics for the primary packaging are prohibited for certified natural cosmetics. Likewise, the additional cellophane wrapping of the cardboard boxes, as is often found in perfumeries.
The selection of certified natural cosmetics has increased enormously in recent years. Natural cosmetics are also luxurious and offer high-end products for all skin types and care requirements as well as make-up.
I'm sure you'll find something with the large selection.
And if you are unsure when choosing your day care, how much oil and moisture your skin needs, whether and if so, which peeling you should use, then seek advice from a natural beautician or directly from the company of your choice.
I wish you every success in finding the right products - if you have any questions, write them in the comments or contact us directly!
Yours, Birgit Corall
Hallo Elke, vielen Dank für deinen Input. Es ist immer gut, wenn die neuesten Informationen zusammenkommen! Viele Grüße, Birgit
Liebe Birgit, liebes Team- vielen Dank für diese schöne Erklärung und Stellungnahme zu den Naturkosmetik-Siegeln.
Ich habe nur eine kleine Anmerkung: einer der wichtigsten neuen internationalen Naturkosmetik-Standards fehlt und wird nur kurz als Anhängsel des BDIH genannt: COSMOS.
Der BDIH ist neben Ecocert, ICEA, Cosmebio und der Soil Association eines der Gründungsmitglieder. Mit dem alten BDIH-Standard hat COSMOS nicht mehr viel zu tun.
+ die Info zu den mittlerweile veralteten und seit 2017 nicht mehr an neue Produkte vergebenen Siegel
der bisherigen Standards von BDIH und Ecocert ist nicht ganz richtig. Nur noch alte und seit 2017 nicht mehr überarbeitete Produkte tragen diese Siegel noch. Alle neuen Produkte sind seitdem nach COSMOS zertifiziert. Das kann durch den BDIH, Ecocert oder auch einen anderen neuen COSMOS Partner mit Lizenz passieren – erfolgt aber immer nach dem COSMOS-Standard.
+ die Angaben zum alten Ecocert-Standard stimmen so nicht. Er ist nicht weniger streng als der alte BDIH-Standard. Im Gegenteil. Für das Naturkosmetik-Level galt nicht 50% Anteil natürlicher Rohstoffe, sondern 50% MINIMUM an BIO-zertifizierten Rohstoffe… und insgesamt durften nicht mehr als 5% der gesamten Inhaltsstoffe aus synthetischen Quellen stammen.
Das nur als kleine Ergänzung. Ansonsten finde ich Euren Artikel klasse! Danke dafür!
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